Watch the Greek final tonight
18 February 2013 at 02:00 CETThe final will be broadcast live from the Gazi Music Hall in Athens, and will be presented by Despina Vandi and Giorgos Kapoutzidis. The four songs in contention to represent Greece will be performed in the following order.
- One Last Kiss sung by Thomai Apergi (Music: Giorgos Gekas. Lyrics: Agis Nikolakopoulos)
- Angel sung by Alex Leon featuring Giorgina (Music: Alex Leon. Lyrics: Riskykid and Alex Leon)
- Alcohol Is Free sung by Koza Mostra & Agathonas Iakovidis ( Music: Ilias Kozas. Lyrics: Stathis Pachidis)
- Hilies Kai Mia Nychtes (A thousand and one nights) sung by Aggeliki Iliadi. ( Music:Kyriakos Papadopoulos. Lyricst: Ilias Philippou)
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Viewers will be able to watch the show on terrestrial on ET1 for Greece and RIK (CyBC) for Cyprus, satellite on ERT World. You can also watch the show live on our WebTV Player or on ET1 Web Player or on MadTv's official Youtube channel from 20:00 CET. It will also be available on deferred transmission on ERT Eurovision (powered by MAD) it's in OTEplatform in "Eurobird".
The winner will be chosen by a 50/50 mix of televoting and a jury vote.
This year, the Greek Final, under the artistic direction of Fokas Evangelinos, promises lots of surprises as there will be past Eurovision winners who will present well known Eurovision songs in duetts with some young Greek artists. Demy, Vegas, Ivi Adamou (Cyprus 2012), Eleftheria Eleftheriou (Greece 2012), Kostas Martakis (Greek National Final 2008) and Melisses (Greek National Final 2010) join former Eurovision winners Dima Bilan, Ruslana, Alexander Rybak, Marija Serifovic, Vicky Leandros and Elena Paparizou. Leandros will not only perform her 1972 winning song, but also her highly successful entry from 1967 L'Amour Est Bleu.
Also making an appearance will be the Cypriot entrant in this year's Eurovision Song Contest, Despina Olympiou who will perform her song An Me Thimase.
Rehearsals commenced yesterday in the Gazi Music Hall, and are continuing throughout the day, prior to the live transmission. However it is not all work for the artits, today they will be given a tour of the Archaeology Museum, hosted by the Minister of tourism.
Eurovision.tv had the opportunity to chat to some of the contestants. Thomai Apergi told us "I am going to focus on my song and my effort. I'm trying not to pay attention to nothing else, so I'm not afraid of anyone and I believe that I am the strongest"
Alex and Ilias from Koza Mostra explained "our song talks about one of our nights when we went out and had some fun, but it also talks about in a metaphoric way about the crisis and everything going on in the last few years in Greece and in Europe. It 's about getting away from all those problems." They decided to sing in Greek as "we feel there is a need for Greek music and Greek lyrics, but the title in English captures the whole meaning of the song".
Agathanas lakovidis is one of the most well known singers and composers in the traditional rembetico style of music, who joins Koza Mostra to provide a mix for the song. This same idea of a mix appears visually with the outfits the group wear and their choice of wearing kilts.
With the rules only allowing a maximum of six performers on stage, the group Koza Moztra had to drop their colleague and bass player Dimitris from their on stage appearance, for purely technical decisions. He will however be accompanying the group everywhere else.
Aggeliki Iliadi sings her song in Greek, which "tells of a great love that finished suddenly, and as I think about all those beautiful moments and what I believed with him, I wish I could have him back so that i could live those one thousand and nights over and over again. It would be a great honour to represent my country and have this magical experience of Eurovision".
Aggeliki revealed that her favourite song of the other three in the competition is Angel sung by Alex Leon and Giorgina, which she considers a beautiful song that makes her mind travel.
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