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The Lovie Awards 2017: May we have your votes please?

03 October 2017 at 08:00 CEST
Salvador Sobral from Portugal has won the 2017 Eurovision Song Contest with the beautiful song Amar Pelos Dois. Photo: Andres Putting
The Lovie Awards are often referred to as the European Oscars for digital work, awarded annually to acknowledge excellence in online creation. has been nominated for a Lovie and we need your votes!

The mission of The Lovie Awards is to recognise the unique and resonant nature of the European Internet community – from Europe’s top web and creative networks and content publishers, to cultural and political organisations and individual creators. 

Eurovision needs your vote!, the official website of the Eurovision Song Contest, has been nominated for a People's Lovie Award in the Television category. Voting only takes a matter of seconds. Visit the website of the Lovie Awards and vote for!

Now in its seventh year, The Lovie Awards continues to celebrate the most resonant and pertinent stories in Europe, those inside and outside of the prevailing trends. 

Voting for the 2017 Lovie Awards closes this Thursday so don't miss out on your chance to vote for the Eurovision Song Contest!

The 2018 Eurovision Song Contest will take place in Lisbon, Portugal on 8th, 10th and 12 May.