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Ukrainian entry not delivered in time, EBU imposes fine

22 March 2010 at 15:30 CET

"The Reference Group has the regulatory possibility to impose a fine or to disqualify a broadcaster when they are in breach of certain rules. In this case, the Eurovision Song Contest's governing body imposes a fine. This shows our commitment to the rules and has the least impact on the preparations of the Host Broadcaster," said Svante Stockselius, Executive Supervisor of the Eurovision Song Contest on behalf of the EBU.

The EBU positively concluded that the other 38 entries for the 2010 Eurovision Song Contest meet the rules of the competition.

Currently, representatives from all 39 participating countries meet in Oslo, Norway, for the annual Heads of Delegation meeting in the lead up to the Eurovision Song Contest. The contest will take place on 25, 27 and 29 May, 2010 in the Norwegian capital.