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Tonight: Festivali i Këngës Final in Albania

22 December 2012 at 01:18 CET

The national song contest of Albania, called Festival i Këngës, was held for the first time the 21st of December 1962 at the hall of the Arts Institute in Tirana. This year it celebrates its 51st edition. Since 2004 the winner of Festivali i Këngës goes on to represent Albania at the Eurovision Song Contest.

For the last two evenings the semi-finals have been held at the Palace of Congresses in Tirana where 26 songs were originally presented for this year's Festivali i Këngës. Seventeen of them reached tonight's final (among them Kejsi Tola who represented Albania in the 2009 Eurovision Song Contest in Moscow and the very first performer from Albania in Eurovision, Anjeza Shahini):

  1. Ardian Bujupi - I Çmendur Pas Teje (I'm Crazy About You)
  2. Valon Shehu - Nuk Do Të Ndal (I'm Not Gonna Stop)
  3. Merland Kademi - Këtu Fillon Parajsa (Heaven Starts Here)
  4. Kelly - Ylli Im Polar (My Polar Star)
  5. Rezarta Smaja - Ti... (You...)
  6. Kejsi Tola - S'jemi Më Atje (We're Not There Anymore)
  7. LYNX - Si Ty Askush (Nobody Like You)
  8. Hersi Matmuja - Kush Ta Dha Këtë Emër (Who Gave You His Name)
  9. Rosela Gjylbegu - Dëshirë (Wish)
  10. Flaka Krelani - Labirint I Zemrës (Labyrinth Of The Heart)
  11. Vesa Luma - S'jam Perfekt (I'm Not Perfect)
  12. Anjeza Shahini - Love
  13. Adrian Lulgjuraj & Bledar Sejko - Identiet (Identity)
  14. Bojken Lako - Lotë? Jetë? Dashuri? (Tears? Life? Love?)
  15. Selami Kolonja - Ku Je? (Where Are You?)
  16. Dr.Flori & Fabi - Jam Ti! (I'm You)
  17. Xhejn & Enxhi Kumrija - Arti I Një Fundi (The Art Of An Ending)

Ani Çuedari and her song Më Ler Një Ëndërr have been disqualified due to an authorship request.

You can follow it live with us on our ESCTV at 20:30 CET!