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Switzerland on the hunt for Eurovision 2020 songs

11 July 2019 at 09:51 CEST
Switzerland 2019 first rehearsal Photo: Andres Putting
Hardly a month after Luca Hänni achieved fourth place for Switzerland, Swiss broadcaster SRF, together with RTS, RSI and RTR invites musicians to submit their songs for the Swiss 2020 Eurovision Song Contest entry.

Just like during last year's selection, a 100-member audience panel and an international jury of 20 experts will select the winning song and the artist for Switzerland. Details about the registration conditions and the selection process can be found on

Audience panel and international expert jury

The 100-member audience panel and the 20 experts on the international jury, who have already proven their Eurovision expertise as members of their countries’ national juries, will be chosen according to selected criteria in collaboration with longstanding SRG partner Digame.


From 2 September to noon on 16 September, songwriters, producers, artists and lyricists are invited to submit their song for Switzerland’s 2020 Eurovision Song Contest entry. As was the case last year, the songs will not be made publicly available.

The selection process

In a multi-stage process, the 100-member audience panel and the 20 experts on the international jury will evaluate the song submissions and artists. The final decision on who will represent Switzerland next year in the Netherlands and with which song will be made by these two panels. As with the international tv shows, the votes from the audience panel and the jury each count for 50%.

Announcement of the results

The winning song and artist will be announced by SRF, RTS, RSI and RTR at a later date.