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28 'Pesma za Evroviziju' songs released in Serbia

25 January 2024 at 12:00 CET
Luke Black rehearsing Samo Mi Se Spava for Serbia at the Second Rehearsal of the First Semi-Final at Liverpool Arena Photo: Sarah Louise Bennett / EBU
Broadcaster RTS has released the 28 songs in contention to represent Serbia at the 68th Eurovision Song Contest in Malmö.

In December they gave us the names, and now Serbia's RTS have given us the songs that we'll be putting into heavy rotation ahead of Pesma za Evroviziju commencing at the end of February.

The 2024 edition of Pesma za Evroviziju will be the third time the competition has been used to select Serbia's entry to the Eurovision Song Contest. And so far it's worked out quite well for them, with both Konstrakta's In Corpore Sano and Luke Black's Samo Mi Se Spava taking Serbia to the Grand Finals in Turin and Liverpool respectively. 

Serbia Reacts to 12 points at the Eurovision Song Contest 2022 Grand Final EBU / Corinne Cumming

For Pesma za Evroviziju in 2024, two semi-finals take place on Tuesday 27 and Thursday 29 February, with the final happening on Saturday 2 March. 

14 songs will compete in each semi, with 8 qualifying; resulting in a 16-song final in March.

Ahead of that all-important Pesma za Evroviziju final however, you can now delve into all 28 songs on offer and find your new faves: 

Nemanja Radošević - Jutra bez tebe

Bojana x David - No No No

Marko Mandić - Dno

Dušan Kurtić - Zbog tebe živim

Milan Bujaković - Moje tvoje

Hydrogen - Nemoguća misija

Kat Dosa - Tajni začin

Filarri - Ko je ta žena?

M.IRA - Percepcija

Saša Báša i Virtual Ritual - Elektroljubav

Hristina - Bedem

Kavala - Vavilon

Martina Vrbos - Da me voliš

Breskvica - Orlovo gnezdo

Ivana Vladović - Jaka

Lena Kovačević - Zovi me Lena

Keni nije mrtav - Dijamanti

Zejna - Najbolja

Konstrakta - Novo, bolje

Iva Lorens - Dom

Zorja - Lik u ogledalu

Yanx - Kolo

CHAI - Sama

Durlanski - Muzika

Nadia - Sudari

Džordži - Luna park

Filip Baloš - Duga je noć

Teya Dora - Ramonda

At the 67th Eurovision Song Contest in Liverpool, Serbia was represented by the winner of Pesma za Evroviziju 2023 - Samo Mi Se Spava by Luke Black, which qualified to the Grand Final. 

Luke's success meant that in the past 5 Eurovision Song Contests, Serbia has competed in the Grand Final every time.