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Ruth Lorenzo's way from Spain to Copenhagen

26 April 2014 at 02:18 CEST

When the artists decide to try their luck to represent their countries at the Eurovision Song Contest they probably don't know what a busy schedule lies ahead of them. Below you can see a round-up video of many of the activities that Ruth Lorenzo has done over the last two months

For the Spanish singer the way to Copenhagen has included.

  • winning a very tough national selection
  • loads of promotional appearances and performances including interviews for TV, radio, press, internet, etc.
  • the live Eurovision concerts in Amsterdam and London

  • the recording of the video-clip for Dancing In The Rain where she develops a complicated dance routine that Ruth has even performed in some top-profile TV shows
  • the recording of the postcard for the Eurovision Song Contest
  • preparations and rehearsals for her performance

  • the addition of four female backing singers and new arrangements for her song
  • rewarding meetings with the fans
  • and even the fulfilling of the promise that if she won the Spanish national final she would swim with the sharks of Madrid's zoo!

Ruth Lorenzo will represent Spain at the Final of the 2014 Eurovision Song Contest on Saturday the 10th of May with the song Dancing In The Rain.