Quiz: Three more winners! 04 May 2009 at 10:07 CEST Home Quiz: Three more winners! The quiz question was this time about the song of The Toppers. Namely, which of them wrote Shine. The answer is of course Gordon Heuckeroth. The three lucky winners are Nima Okhovat (from Canada), Constantinos Savva (Cyprus) and Jan-Christoph Ahrens from Germany. Congratulations! The winners will receive their prizes soon!
The quiz question was this time about the song of The Toppers. Namely, which of them wrote Shine. The answer is of course Gordon Heuckeroth. The three lucky winners are Nima Okhovat (from Canada), Constantinos Savva (Cyprus) and Jan-Christoph Ahrens from Germany. Congratulations! The winners will receive their prizes soon!