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Monika Kuszyńska: I am a strong woman now!

25 April 2015 at 00:26 CEST
Monika Kuszyńska Artur Fratczak
Monika Kuszyńska's song In The Name Of Love is her own story that she brings to this year’s Eurovision Song Contest in Vienna. It is full of courage, decisiveness and willingness to change life for better, but also pain of the past and "fear about tomorrow". The car accident that changed Monika’s whole life, makes the singer look back, but her song In The Name Of Love gives a promise for future - "It’s gonna be better!" Watch Monika’s interview and find out more about this charming, strong and talented woman.

What could it be worse for a talented, young and beautiful singer as to stop her career after it has just successfully started? Monika Kuszyńska knows very well how it feels and how much energy a new beginning costs. After the car accident, the singer had to live with the terrible diagnosis: injured spine and paralyzed body. Her future plans and all her hopes turned into past: "I felt everything was over." Her intensive medical rehabilitation took her several years, so she did not believe that she “would ever return to the stage."

It were friends and fans who encouraged Monika to come back on stage. In her interview, Monika tells about her doubt about the public reactions on her "new wheelchair image". But the strong willingness and love to sing overcame that fear - after many years, Monika presented her first show and has been received with a lot of love and support by her fans.

The singer started believing that “everything is possible. […] My experiences have rebuilt me. I am a strong woman now who understands the value of life." Monika recorded her album and performs regularly in front of the huge audience. "I also married a talented musician and we create songs together. And we are happy."

Is it a competition for you or just participation with a good purpose?

I think that every person who goes there and participates in the contest like that thinks and dreams of the winning. It’s obvious. But for me the purpose is much more important. I want to show people that even if you sometimes feel bad, weak, unworthy or different, you always can change your life and follow your dreams. And it is worth of doing it. And this is my message I want to share with people.

You song. Was it difficult to write it knowing the expectations of the public broadcaster? Could you describe the process?

My song In The Name Of Love was created and dedicated to this contest. We didn’t actually think how to do it to please someone, let’s say. We create the songs in the same way; we are me and my husband Kuba Raczyński, who is a composer of the song. We just based ourselves  on our feelings, and what is inside. The motto of Eurovision “Building Bridges” was inspiring to me. We can build the bridge beyond the fear because the fear is something that blocks us most. And we can just do it with love.

Singing while sitting. It seems to be hard. How are you able to do it? Does it require different, special techniques?

Of course singing while sitting is completely different. But I think if you really love to do something and if you really want to do it, you’ll find a way, your unique way to cope with that. So did I. And by now I don’t care if I stand or sit. It’s my music, my feelings and my audience.