Luxembourg to return to the Eurovision Song Contest in 2024
12 May 2023 at 11:49 CEST
The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Photo: LMIH/Sabino Parente
30 years after Luxembourg’s last participation in 1993, and 40 years after the country’s last win, the Grand Duchy has now announced that it will finally be making its return to the Eurovision Song Contest.
As the curtain is about to rise on the Grand Final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2023, RTL Luxembourg has got a show-stopping announcement of its own: Luxembourg is making its long-anticipated comeback to the Eurovision stage in 2024.
With no less than 5 Contest victories to its name, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg currently shares third position for the number of wins a country has achieved at Eurovision.
RTL Luxembourg will broadcast the live shows, alongside local commentary across all platforms. Further information on the candidate selection process and application procedure will be announced in July 2023.
A visit to LuxembourgAleksander Cano
Resounding formal endorsement for the country’s return to the Eurovision Song Contest was today given by Luxembourg’s government. As a member of the European Broadcasting Union, RTL Luxembourg (CLT-UFA) will be responsible for selecting the 2024 delegation – as well as a candidate to represent Luxembourg at the Contest.
Martin Österdahl, the Executive Supervisor of the Eurovision Song Contest said:
“We are thrilled to welcome back Luxembourg to the Eurovision Song Contest after 30 years. The country has one of the most successful records in the Contest with 5 wins in the first three decades of the competition alone. We very much look forward to working with RTL on their return to the world’s biggest live music event in 2024.”
The Grand Duchy of LuxembourgLMIH/Focalize
Christophe Goossens, CEO of RTL Luxembourg, says:
“We are delighted that Luxembourg is returning to the Eurovision Song Contest – and even more excited that RTL Luxembourg will take on the exhilarating task of selecting the 2024 delegation. As a media company that is dedicated to the people of Luxembourg, we are looking forward to broadcasting the star-studded live shows. Viewers will be able to experience the Eurovision Song Contest in its full glory.”
The Grand Duchy of LuxembourgLMIH/Sabino Parente
With 5 victories across 37 Contests, Luxembourg remains one of the most successful participating countries in the history of the Eurovision Song Contest.