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Lithuanian performance on top priority

08 May 2009 at 17:16 CEST

For the second round of rehearsals, many teams are hoping for the production in Moscow to pick up their suggestions. But the production has the final say, as they are responsible for the show in it's entirety. On the Maltese side of things, the mode was cheerful after the second rehearsal on Friday. The suggestions issued by the delegation had been followed by the host broadcaster.

“We are thankful to Channel One that they worked late into the night for us to fix the graphics,” said the team. “They are amazing now, exactly what we wanted.”

Contrasts with Greece

The delegation where some of the strongest opinions were heard after the first rehearsal was the Lithuanian. The problems for Sasha Son with the performance of the entry Love were centered around the light and the imagery on the massive LED screens on the stage.

“The sound is great, but the lighting has to complement the movement of the rhythm. It was so monotonous and so boring to look at,” Sasha Son says. “They told me that they can't give me the full mass of lighting, because the Greek is performing just before me.”

Unused video

The Greek entry, This Is Our Night with Sakis Rouvas, uses a lot of light, but Sasha Son doesn't wish for quite so strong a contrast as the production side proposed. He has also applied for changes in the LED screens.

“We've got a video for the screens that we sent to Moscow about two or three months ago, but they told us that they didn't receive it,” he says. “But on Thursday, they called us back and said that they did receive it, but that it was too late.”

Sasha Son now emphasizes that he wants the performance to look good and keep the same level as everybody else's. The production side expresses respect for the Lithuanian concerns and has put the Lithuanian stage show on top priority.