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Lithuania chooses The Roop for Rotterdam

15 February 2020 at 22:22 CET
The Roop Photo: Paulius Zaborskis
Lithuania’s 'Pabandom iš naujo!' has come to an end. After 3 heats, 2 semi-finals and tonight’s final, broadcast live from the Kaunas Žalgiris Arena, The Roop won the contest and will represent the country in Rotterdam with 'On Fire'.

8 acts took part in the final of Pabandom iš naujo! tonight. The running order was:

  1. Aistė Pilvelytė – Unbreakable
  2. Rūta Loop – We Came From The Sun
  3. KaYra – Alligator
  4. Monika Marija – If I Leave
  5. MEANDI – Drip
  6. The Roop – On Fire (winner)
  7. The Backs – Fully
  8. Monique – Make Me Human

The Roop received 12 points from the professional jury, as well as from the viewers at home for a total of 24 points. Monique finished second with a total of 20 points, and Monika Marija came in 3rd with 15 points.

About The Roop

The Roop are 3 band members from Lithuania who describe their musical style as a mix of pop-rock and indie. Although they have only been working together since 2014, all band members have been involved in the music industry much longer. The Roop's debut album, To Whom It May Concern, came out in 2015. The band has since played music around the world, from Lithuania to Belgium, Serbia and Brazil.

The band previously tried their hand at Lithuania's national selection in 2018 but came up short that time. Talking about giving it another shot, lead singer Vaidotas Valiukevičius said: "This year’s song is about something I carried within and observed around myself. It’s about writing yourself off too quickly. We are underestimating ourselves too often. We think we don’t meet some standards or that we are uninteresting, too young, too old."

According to the band, the song name On Fire relates to being in a state of excitement, feeling passionate, engaged and full of energy. The vibrant music video was produced by director Indrė Juškutė and cinematographer Adomas Jablonskis.

The Roop Paulius Zaborskis

You can re-watch all final performances on the LRT website.

Lithuania in the Eurovision Song Contest

Following Lithuania's debut in the Eurovision Song Contest in 1994, the country withdrew from the competition and only returned in 1999. Lithuania scored its best placing in 2006 when We Are The Winners performed by LT United came 6th. The country has only made it to the top 10 in the Grand Final once since then, in 2016 with Donny Montell's I've Been Waiting For This Night.

Last year, Jurij Veklenko represented Lithuania with his song Run With The Lions. Jurij narrowly missed moving on to the Grand Final, coming 11th in the second Semi-Final with 93 points.

The Roop will perform in the first half of the first Semi-Final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2020 on Tuesday 12 May.

What do you think about Lithuania's pick for Tel Aviv? Let us know in the comments!


Posted 08 February 2020 at 21:57 CET

With the second of 2 semi-final shows behind it, Lithuania’s 'Pabandom iš naujo!' is headed toward its climax! Broadcast live from the LRT studios, 8 qualifiers from earlier heats went head-to-head and 4 were chosen to move on to the final on Saturday 15 February.

The show was once again hosted by Gabrielė Martirosian and Giedrius Masalskis, with special guest host, Lithuania's Ieva Zasimauskaitė Eurovision 2018 participant, from the green room.

Earlier this week, Evgenya Redko announced she would withdraw from the running due to medical conditions which means 8 artists remain in the race. Of the acts that took the stage in tonight's second semi-final, the jury and televoting public decided the following 4 (in bold) would move forward:

  1. MEANDI – Drip
  2. Petunija – Show Ya
  3. Germanas Skoris – Chemistry (Breaking Free)
  4. Monique – Make Me Human
  5. Rokas Povilius – Vilnius Calling
  6. Monika Marija – If I Leave
  7. Andy Vaic – Why Why Why
  8. The Backs – Fully
Monique performing in the second semi-final of Lithuania's national selection for Eurovision 2020 D. Umbraso/LRT

Watch the performances on the LRT website.

Tune in next week for the final of 'Pabandom iš naujo!' on Saturday 15 February from the Žalgiro Arena in Kaunas!


Posted 01 February 2020 at 22:02 CET

Tonight, Lithuania’s 'Pabandom iš naujo!' held its first of 2 semi-final shows. Broadcasted live from LRT studios and hosted once again by Gabrielė Martirosian and Giedrius Masalskis, 9 qualifiers from earlier heats went head-to-head for their shot at moving on in the contest.

Of the 9 artists that took the stage tonight, the jury and televoting public decided the following 4 (in bold) would move forward:

  1. KaYra - Alligator
  2. Viktorija Miškūnaitė - The Ocean
  3. Baltos varnos - Namų dvasia
  4. Rūta Loop - We Came From Sun
  5. Gabrielius Vagelis - Tave čia randu
  6. The Roop - On Fire
  7. Krisitna Jure - My Sound of Silence
  8. Alen Chicco - Somewhere Out There
  9. Aistė Pilvelytė - Unbreakable
Ruta Loop, first semi-final LRT

Watch the performances on the LRT website.

Tune in next week for Lithuania’s second semi-final on Saturday 8 February!


Posted 25 January 2020 at 22:12 CET

Lithuania continued their national selection show 'Pabandom iš naujo! (Let's try again)' 2020 with the third and final heat on Saturday 25 January. The last 12 acts competed and 6 more qualified for the next round of the competition.

Of 12 artists that took the stage tonight, the expert jury and televote decided the following 6 (in bold) would move forward:

  • The Backs – Fully
  • Bernardas – Dad, Don’t Be Mad at Me
  • Justina Žukauskaitė – Breathe In
  • Rokas Povilius – Vilnius Calling
  • KaYra – Alligator
  • Lukas Bartaška – Where Is That Change?
  • Evgenya Redko – Far
  • Ruslanas Kirilkinas – Soldier’s Heart
  • Nombeko Augustė – Reikia man
  • Vitalijus Špokaitis – Nemušk savęs
  • Aistė Pilvelytė – Unbreakable
  • THE ROOP – On Fire
KaYra qualifies for the semi-final of Pabandom iš naujo! E. Blaževič/LRT

Watch the performances here on the LRT website.

Next Saturday 1 February, Pabandom iš naujo! will hold its first of 2 semi-finals in advance of the final on 15 February. Tune in then!


Posted 18 January 2020 at 22:17 CET

Lithuania continued the second instalment of their national selection 'Pabandom iš naujo! (Let's try again)' 2020 with another heat on Saturday 18 January. 12 acts competed and 6 more qualified for the next round. After 1 more heat and 2 semi-finals, we will find out who will represent Lithuania at the Eurovision Song Contest 2020 during the final on Saturday 15 February.

Of 12 artists that tried their luck for a place in the semi-finals tonight, the expert jury and televote decided the following 6 would move forward (in bold):

  • Ruta Loop - We came from the sun (3rd)
  • Soliaris - Breath
  • Kristina Jure - My sound of silence (2nd)
  • Alen Chicco - Somewhere out there (5th)
  • Indraya - You and I
  • Germantas Skoris - Chemistry (6th)
  • Viktorija Miškūnaitė - The ocean (4th)
  • Antturi - I gotta do
  • Abrokenleg - Electric boy
  • Twosome - Playa
  • Moniqué - Make me human (1st)
  • Voldemars Petersons - Wings of freedom
Moniqué LRT

Watch the performances here on the LRT website.

Next Saturday 25 January, 12 more acts will participate in the last Lithuanian heat before the first semi-final. Tune in then!


Posted 11 January 2020 at 23:14 CET

Lithuania kicked off their national selection 'Pabandom iš naujo! (Let's try again)' 2020 with the first heat on Saturday 11 January. 12 acts competed and 6 of them qualified for the next round. After 3 heats and 2 semi-finals, we will know who will represent Lithuania at the Eurovision Song Contest 2020 in the final show on Saturday 15 February.

Lithuania revamped their national selection process for the Eurovision Song Contest this year with a format called 'Pabandom iš naujo!', which translates as 'Let's try again', the first step of which is 3 heats that lead next to the semi-finals.

From the 12 artists that tried their luck for a place in the semi-finals in the first heat, an expert jury and televote decided which 6 would move forward. The qualifiers (in bold) are:

  • Glossarium - Game Over (8th)
  • Baltos varnos - Namu dvasia (Spirit of Home) (2nd)
  • Justinas Lapatinskas - High Way Story (10th)
  • Aistay - Dangus man tu (You are heaven to me) (9th)
  • Petunija - Show Ya (6th)
  • Lukas Norkunas - Atsiprasyk (I’m sorry) (12th)
  • Donata - Made of Wax (11th)
  • Andy Vaic - Why Why Why (5th)
  • Aika - Paradas (7th)
  • Meandi - DRIP (3rd)
  • Monika Marija - If I Leave (1st)
  • Gabrielius Vagelis - Tave cia randu (I find you here) (4th)

Next Saturday 18 January, 12 more acts will participate in the second Lithuanian heat.


Posted 06 January 2020 at 07:10 CET

Lithuanian public broadcaster LRT has revealed the 36 acts who will compete in Eurovizijos Atranka 2020. The winner of the competition will secure their ticket to the Eurovision Song Contest 2020 in Rotterdam.

The 36 participants were revealed with their entries. They include:

  • Abrokenleg - Electric Boy
  • Aika - Paradas (Parade)
  • Aistay - Dangus man tu (You are heaven to me)
  • Aiste Pilvelyte - Everlastingly
  • Alen Chicco - Somewhere Out There
  • Andy Vaic - Why Why Why
  • Antturi - I Gotta Do
  • Baltos varnos - Namu dvasia (Spirit of Home)
  • Bernardas - Dad, Don’t Be Mad at Me
  • Donata - Made of Wax
  • Evgenya Redko - What About Us
  • Gabrielius Vagelis - Tave cia randu (I find you here)
  • Germantas Skoris - Chemistry
  • Glossarium - Game over
  • Indraya - You and I
  • Justina Zukauskaite - Breath In
  • Justinas Lapatinskas - High Way Story
  • KaYra - Alligator
  • Kristina Jure - My Sound of Silence
  • Lukas Bartaska - Where Is That Change?
  • Lukas Norkunas - Atsiprasyk (I’m sorry)
  • Meandi - DRIP
  • Monika Marija - If I Leave
  • Monique - Make Me Human
  • Nombeko Auguste - Reikia man
  • Petunija - Show Ya
  • Rokas Povilius - Vilnius Calling
  • Ruslanas Kirilkinas - Soldiers Heart
  • Rūta Loop - We Came From Sun
  • Soliaris - Breath
  • The Backs - Fully
  • The Roop - On Fire
  • Twosome - Playa
  • Viktorija Miskunaite - The Ocean
  • Vitalijus Spokaitis - Nemusk Saves
  • Voldemars Petersons - Wings of Freedom

The first broadcast of Eurovizijos Atranka 2020 will be on 11 January. There will be a total of 6 shows: 3 qualifying rounds with 12 participants taking the stage each night, 2 semi-finals for the remaining 18 acts and the national final to select the winner. The final is scheduled to air on 15 February.

What do you think of the artists competing for Lithuania's ticket to Rotterdam? Let us know in the comments!