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Lithuania has kicked off their selection show

16 January 2021 at 22:20 CET
Voldemars Petersons qualify from the first Lithuanian heat Photo: LRT
Lithuania launched the first heat of their national selection 'Pabandom iš naujo! (Let's try again)' 2021 . Read on to find out who's still in the race towards Eurovision 2021.

The first of 2 heats saw 10 artists compete for a place in the Semi-Finals. The expert jury and results from televoting decided which 5 would go on to the Semi-Finals. The qualifiers (in bold) are:

  • Black Spikes feat. Indre Launikonyte - Don't Tell Me 6th
  • Thomukas1 - Wish 10th
  • Be U - Love Yourself 5th
  • Voldemars Petersons - Never Fall For You Again 1st
  • Martyna - Thank You Very Much 3rd
  • Donata - The Way I Am 7th
  • Twosome - I Love My Bear 9th
  • Milita - Shadows 4th
  • Aldegunda - Sit Down 8th
  • Titas & Benas - No 2nd

The second Pabandom iš naujo! heat will take place next Saturday 23 January at 20:00 CET when 10 more acts will perform for the other 5 spots in the Semi-Final. The Final will take place on Saturday 6 of February and will reveal who'll represent Lithuania in the Eurovision Song Contest 2021 in Rotterdam.


Posted 16 January 2020 at 11:00 CET

Lithuania: 21 acts compete for a ticket to Rotterdam

The Roop won Pabandom iš naujo in 2020 E. Blaževič/LRT

Lithuanian broadcaster LRT has just announced the 21 acts to compete in their national selection 'Pabandom iš naujo!' ('Let's Try Again'). Can you guess who's back for another chance to represent their country? Keep reading to find out!

The national selection will consist of 4 shows: 2 heats, 1 Semi Final and a Final. The first heat of Pabandom iš naujo! will be held on Saturday 16th January and can be watched here at 20:00 CET.

There will be 10 acts competing for 5 spots in the final:

  • Black Spikes feat. Indre Launikonyte - Don't Tell Me
  • Thomukas 1 - Wish
  • Be U - Love Yourself
  • Voldemars Petersons - Never Fall For You Again
  • Martyna - Thank You Very Much
  • Donata - The Way I Am
  • Twosome - I Love My Bear
  • Milita - Shadows
  • Aldegunda - Sit Down
  • Titas & Benas - No

The remaining contestants include: Aistė Brokenleg, Evita Cololo, Gabrielė Goštautaitė, Gabrielius Vagelis, Gebrasy, Cosmic Bride, Norbertas, Rapolas Meškauskas, Sunday Afternoon and Unoband.

Last year's Pabandom iš naujo! winners, The Roop, were set to represent Lithuania in Eurovision 2020 in Rotterdam and have been granted a final sport in the Final. They will compete with the song Discoteque.

Lithuania's Eurovision 2020 representative The Roop Jurga Urbonaite

Ieva Stasiulevičiūtė and Vytautas Rumšas Jr. will host this year's Pabandom iš naujo! next to a former Eurovision Song Contest finalist, Vaidas Baumila, who performed This Time in a duet with Monika Lynkite in 2015.

Vaidas Baumila, one of the hosts of the Lithuanian national selection 2021 LRT

The votes of each show will be divided equally between television viewers and an expert jury and will be announced at the end of the shows. The members of the jury are Ramūnas Zilnys, Jievaras Jasinskis, Vytautas Bikus, Ieva Narkutė and Aistė, who represented Lithuania in Jerusalem in 1999. Audience voting will be monitored by independent observers from the audit firm, Grant Thornton Baltic.

We find out who Lithuania will take to Eurovision 2021 when the Final takes place on February 6.