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It's all go, go, go for Go_A!

19 November 2020 at 17:00 CET
Press photos Go_A (Ukraine 2020) Photo: JSC "UA:PBC"
Ukraine's 2020 act turned 2021 entry are back in the studio! They're writing new music and have warned us that come next year we should expect to see a meaningful show full of lots of emotions! While we eagerly await for their next act, we found out what their hopes and plans are for the upcoming Contest!

What are Go_A currently up to?

We're working in our studio and writing new songs. We believe we've never worked more productively than we have this past month.

Wow! Sounds like you're keeping busy! Have you already started the writing process for your Eurovision 2021 song?

Yes! The process began immediately after we found out that we could perform a new song. Actually, we're making more than one! But you'll never know which one will be the song until we're ready!

What are you trying to do differently this time?

We've found a new story that we'd like to tell in our song, so now we're looking for musical inspiration and are currently inspired by and exploring folklore.

What have you learnt so far from 2020?

We think we've learnt how to survive and how to work during lockdown.

What are you looking forward to now?

We're hoping for the pandemic and current situation around the world to stabilise so that we're able to experience Eurovision to the fullest.

What mark do you want to make at Eurovision 2021?

We want Eurovision audiences and the world to learn more about the beauty of Ukrainian folklore and the Ukrainian language.

What can we expect from your new performance?

You can expect a new song of course, and a show full of emotions and meaning. We want to rediscover a matter that affects everyone on this planet that we hope will help all of us to rethink our existence.

We're looking forward to following Go_A's journey as they work towards Eurovision 2021!