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"Imperial postcard" recorded with Conchita Wurst

05 February 2014 at 18:48 CET

"Conchita is fabulous. The announcement that she was going to represent Austria in the Eurovision Song Contest was widely featured all over the Danish media. I like her as a character that symbolizes tolerance. We've now worked together for one day - she is a true performer and it's fun to record with her. I hope that the recording sessions will be like this one in the 36 other countries too", the producer Stevan Treshow stated after one day of filming in Vienna.

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It was the first step of an approach that, similarly like last year, attempts to show each artist in his home country during the official 'postcard' which is being show on TV just seconds before an act enters the Eurovision Song Contest stage. 

The Austrian postcard was filmed in the theater at the Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna - a very formal setting, which was further emphasized by 70 baroque-style robes and dresses that can be seen, all elegant and glittering. Conchita Wurst can be seen alongside her stylist Tamara Mascara.

Conchita herself enjoyed working with DR's team very much: "We had a great atmosphere on the set. Of course the theme of clothes and dresses fits very well - Tamara and I had a lot of fun."

The song which Conchita Wurst will sing in the Second Semi-Final of the 2014 Eurovision Song Contest will be premiered in the beginning of March - stay with not to miss the presentation!

In the meantime, check out our video interviews where Conchita Wurst tells more about herself and her plans for Copenhagen: