Hungary: Soft, Fragile, Minimalistic
15 May 2015 at 16:37 CESTBefore her second rehearsal, we met Boggie backstage at the Wiener Stadthalle. She got prepared for her second rehearsal, and while waiting for the soundcheck, she talked to Eurovision.tv.
"There is a dramatic composition on the background visuals. We made a mood board which we sent to ORF, and they realised the visuals for us. There is a nice symbol on it: At the beginning there are guns growing up and it becomes a tree. This is a symbol of life", Boggie explains parts of the background visuals of her stage act to us.
The act starts with visuals of a starry sky, displayed both on the background and stage floor LEDs, and then changes into a romantic view of meadows and blue skies.
Gallery: Hungary: Second rehearsal of BoggieBoggie's song Wars For Nothing is very minimalistic and calm. So doesn't it feel strange to perform it in the middle of noisy performances right in the buzz that is the Eurovision Song Contest? "I feel very well. Actually I did a flashmob tour the last two weeks, where I also visited the Eurovision concerts in Amsterdam and London, so I already tasted the Eurovision feeling. So now I am not surprised at all - I feel so comfortable and happy on the stage, everything is perfect for me", Boggie comments.

"I drove a fire truck, and I even killed a fire!"
The press conference host first asked Boggie about the postcard that will introduce her act in the 2015 Eurovision Song Contest. She told about her experience: "It was a surprise and I didn't know about it. I arrived at Tulln at 14:00 and I thought - oh my god, it's a fire brigade! And then I realised that it's one of the biggest in Europe, and I was even driving a fire truck and killing a fire myself. The person you see in the postcard, with the gas mask, that's actually me!"
Boggie went on to invite the press to her flashmob tomorrow - Saturday - at 16:00, in the Museumsquartier in Vienna.
Gallery: Hungary: Press conference
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