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Eurovision split-up led to Facebook trial

28 March 2008 at 04:35 CET

Hurst and Sladden were together for 16 months, but split up after a row over whether to watch... the Eurovision Song Contest! Now I know from my own experience that the Eurovision Song Contest on itself can lead to heated debates between friends, relatives and partners, but breaking up...

A few months later, Hurst added his ex-girlfriend to Facebook. Sladden: "It made me deeply uncomfortable and angry. I had previously made him aware that the attention was unwanted." She then blocked her ex, so he could not access her full Facebook profile or photo galleries, Birmingham Magistrates Court was told. Hurst told the police: "My intention was to make contact with Sophie, but I never made contact with Sophie, as she rejected my friendship request (...) I typed in her name out of curiosity and I may have accidentally added her as a friend."

The casehas not been proved by the prosecution beyond reasonable doubt and therefore court dismissed the charge, meanwhile suggesting Hurst not to contact his ex anymore. Yesterday, he told the court: "I'm no longer on Facebook - it didn't appeal to me and I didn't find it useful."

Ironically, we recently opened an official page on Facebook just recently. It might be too late for Michael Hurts, but everyone else is welcome to join the official Eurovision Song Contest page on Facebook! More than 3,000 already did...