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Eurovision: Europe Shine A Light reaches over 70 million viewers

26 May 2020 at 11:00 CEST
Eurovision: Europe Shine A Light - show Photo: EBU / Kris Pouw
'Eurovision: Europe Shine A Light', broadcast in place of this year’s Eurovision Song Contest Grand Final on Saturday 16 May, was seen by 73 million viewers across 38 markets*.

The show, which paid tribute to the songs and artists that would have competed in the Eurovision Song Contest 2020, was devised and produced by the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) together with its Dutch Members NPO, NOS and AVROTROS following the cancellation of the event in March.

The highest average audience for Europe Shine A Light was in Italy where 3 million viewers watched the full show on a number of Rai channels. 2.4 million viewers saw the show in host country the Netherlands and the UK on NPO1 and BBC One respectively. Russia’s Channel One also recorded an average of 2.1 million viewers.

This year’s alternative Eurovision show was also a huge hit with younger audiences. 20% of those watching were 15 - 24 years old, almost double the broadcast channels’ average in prime-time (11%).

Eurovision was celebrated: Online!

In the absence of the Eurovision Song Contest for the first time in 64 years, fans and followers also got their Eurovision fix online in huge numbers this year.

New content such as the Eurovision Home Concerts, Eurovision Song Celebration and Eurovisioncalls with NikkieTutorials helped the official YouTube channel attract 53 million unique viewers between March and May**. 74% of viewing on YouTube was by under 35-year-olds.

There were also nearly 2 million engagement actions on the Eurovision Song Contest official social media accounts with 72% of those on Instagram**.

Shining a light to millions

EBU Director General Noel Curran said: "I really want to congratulate the whole team at NPO, NOS and AVROTROS who produced an incredibly creative and very emotional show under challenging circumstances. I’m proud that with Europe Shine A Light we united a continent in true Eurovision spirit. These fantastic figures really highlight the power of public service media to bring audiences together, not just in their own countries but across the world too."

Eurovision: Europe Shine A Light was socially-distant produced back in May 2020 EBU / Kris Pouw

Jon Ola Sand, the outgoing Executive Supervisor of the Eurovision Song Contest said: "Even in the absence of a Song Contest, our show this year proves that the light that Eurovision shines into millions of hearts remains undimmed. I’d like to thank the incredible team in the Netherlands for all their hard work and our digital team who also worked intensively to provide new, original content which engaged millions online as well". He added:

"The past 10 years have been amazing and I will always be a proud part of the Eurovision family. I wish everyone, and in particular my successor Martin Österdahl, all the very best as they begin preparations for the return of the Eurovision Song Contest next year."

During the Europe Shine A Light broadcast it was announced that the Eurovision Song Contest will return in 2021. The 65th Contest will be held in Rotterdam with dates for the event to be confirmed in the coming weeks.

*Source: Results produced by EBU and based on Glance and relevant partners’ data. Market data is not available in all territories that broadcast the show.

** Source: YouTube Analytics; Eurovision Song Contest channel, 1 March – 17 May 2020 / Social; Instagram, Facebook, Twitter official ESC accounts, 1 April – 17 May 2020.