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Eduard Romanyuta brings his entry to perfection

15 May 2015 at 12:32 CEST
Eduard Romanyuta, the Moldovan representative is the first one to rehearse for the second time in the Wiener Stadthalle today. The delegation was satisfied with the first technical rehearsal, so actually there are no changes in the second one. 

This year’s Mondovan delegation is very multilingual. You can hear there the Romanian, Ukrainian, English and Russian languages. No wonder – two nationalities, the Ukrainian singer and the Moldovan organisers, came together. They work very closely with each other. Everybody contributed his bit to the Moldovan entry. The police costumes of Eduard Romanyuta’s dancers as well as the stage design were the idea of the whole team.

Eduard feels very comfortable in Vienna, as his father who helps him a lot with the organisation, accompanies him backstage.

Today, one of their dancers, Alexander Ushakov, is celebrating his birthday - all the best to him!

Gallery: Second rehearsal of the Moldovan representative

"If you work hard, you will make something of you"

During the press conference, Eduard told about filming of his postcards: the crew team found out that the singer liked races, so he had to try races on tractor: "Oh, it was cool and  comfortable like in Mercedes! We had a lot of fun, and, of course, made a lot of friends."

About his rehearsal the singer said that everything went fine. "Maybe a little difficult, because it was early in the morning," the artist laughed.

The host made a compliment about dancer’s police costumes. The singer joked that they could sew the same one for the host and to include her to their team.

Eduard’s fan complimented the Moldovan artist’s movements on stage. "No I am not a professional dancer. But I train a lot and spend a lot of time with my dancers. If you work hard, you will make something of you."

About his plans after this Eurovision Song Contest, Eduard joked: "Another Eurovision!" The singer will definitely continue singing, but in the moment he is just very happy and thankful to be here.

The Moldovan delegation hasn’t seen a lot of Vienna yet. They plan to visit the Moden Museum if they got time.

Gallery: Press conference with the Moldovan delegation