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Countdown: Top Tweets of 2013

27 December 2013 at 13:00 CET

Our official Twitter feed, @Eurovision received a lot of interest in 2013 so we thought it would be fun to pick out the top 10 Tweets of the season, based on the number of "retweets" and "favourites" they earned. So why not take a look through them and help us to celebrate an end to what was a fabulous year for the Eurovision Song Contest.

10. To Copenhagen with love

The most popular Tweet outside of the Eurovision season was in September when we announced that Copenhagen would host the 2014 Eurovision Song Contest after a hard-fought battle with Herning. Remember to put it in your diaries.. We'll be there on the 6th, 8th and 10th of May next year!

9. OK.. Stop voting!!

You guessed it... The phone lines couldn't stay open forever so when they closed we made sure you knew about it! From this point onwards, the fates of the 26 artists were sealed. A continent was on tenterhooks.

8. Anouk and her Birds

As far as Twitter was concerned the most popular video post apart from the winner was that of Anouk from the Netherlands who regained her country's honour by not only qualifying to the Grand Final, but also gaining a top 10 position with her song Birds. Gefeliciteerd!

7. And the winners of the Semi-Finals are...

Soon after Emmelie de Forest's victory was in the bag, we revealed the winners of the two Semi-Finals. Predictably Denmark won the first Semi-Final and Azerbaijan won the second Semi-Final.

6. Everybody loves Marco

We were Instagraming the Grand Final like there was no tomorrow and by far our most popular photo Tweet of the entire season was of Italy's Marco Mengoni as he stood on stage in Malmö. Good show!

5. The winning performance

It's hardly surprising that you wanted to see Emmelie de Forest's winning performance from the Grand Final. As soon as it was Tweeted, you were all over it. Also, without wanting to sound too smug, we had it rendered and uploaded to YouTube before the broadcast had even finished. How's that for efficiency?

4. We're going up, up, up, up, up!

If there is one Eurovision Song Contest song from recent history that can get the Twittersphere to react, it is definitely Loreen's Euphoria. Just the mere mention of it made you all retweet like the apocalypse was upon us!

3. Vote! Vote! VOTE!

The third most defining #Eurovision Twitter moment of 2013 was when the phonelines opened on the night of the Grand Final in Malmö. For the first time viewers all across the continent could vote via our app where special videos recorded by the artists were played once a vote had been cast. Pure genius! Naturally, we got a little carried away... But it's ok. It's Eurovision!!  

2. The big day is upon us

It was the morning of the biggest and most important day of the year, the Grand Final of the Eurovision Song Contest, so we were hardly going to sit back and let it go unnoticed now were we? Judging by the number of retweets, it seemed like most of Europe concurred!

1. Twitter goes mad for Denmark

Rather unsurprisingly, the most popular Tweet of 2013 was the one declaring Emmelie de Forest and Denmark the winners of the 2013 Eurovision Song Contest. The biggest moment of the year was captured somewhat enthusiastically in block capitals with a lot of exclamation marks!