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Eurovision needs YOU! Volunteer applications now open!

19 February 2018 at 17:00 CET
Lisbon will host the 2018 Eurovision Song Contest Photo: RTP
The Eurovision Song Contest is not only a television show, it's a mammoth event with thousands of people working on it. Every year the Host Broadcaster of the Eurovision Song Contest enlists the support of a team of volunteers to help ensure the event runs smoothly. Want to be a part of the action? If so, read on!

Like so many large-scale international events, volunteers are an integral element of the Eurovision Song Contest and support both the Host City and Host Broadcaster in the run-up to the shows and during the event weeks.

How do I apply?    

Host Broadcaster of the 2018 Eurovision Song Contest, RTP, is now accepting applications for volunteers for the forthcoming competition. Candidates should meet the following requirements:  

  • Aged 18 years old or over 
  • Good command of English
  • Team player, works well on own initiative
  • Good organisation and communication skills 
  • Smart appearance and availability for the hours required for each role

Volunteers will be provided with t-shirts or relevant uniforms, meals, work insurance, a participation certificate and of course, the possibility of having a great time at one of the biggest music events in the world! 

A variety of different positions are available for the 2018 Eurovision Song Contest. Visit the website for more information about the roles and to apply! 

What’s it like to work at Eurovision?   

The Eurovision Song Contest is a fun event to be a part of but it also involves dedication and hard work. Volunteering provides candidates with unique experience and insight into the production of one of the largest television programmes in the world.

Read more about the experiences of volunteers at Eurovision 2017.