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ByeAlex: Who should represent Hungary?

07 June 2013 at 21:36 CEST

Alex Márta is one of this year's Eurovision Song Contest most popular performers under his act name ByeAlex. He took his country, Hungary, to the Final and finished inside the Top 10, which is regarded as a big success back home.

After the contest, the song is hitting the charts and radio playlists in several European markets... in Hungarian! That makes Alex and his team proud and happy. Both the Semi-Final and the Final of the Eurovision Song Contest gave very good ratings for their national braodcaster, MTV, and their national selection A Dal has established as a top show after only two editions.

All of this "Eurovision euphoria" makes Alex think that the "who should represent Hungary at Eurovision" question is a vital one there, and as of next year's potential expert jurors he already has some views on who should do the trip to Denmark. And he has blogged about it:

ByeAlex picks

One of his choices is fellow contestant in A Dal 2013, Kallay Saunders, who performed the song My Baby and to whom Alex has only praise and good words: "If we would like to succeed with a well singing pretty boy, I'd send him".

A favourite act of Alex is the DJ duo Soerii & Poolek: "These guys deliver the right amount of irony into their music with their appearance, lyrics and sound". Check their video for Valahol Messze

Although he believes Supernem would never compete in a competition like the Eurovision Song Contest he proposes them: "There's a huge power and great dynamics in this band". You can watch that in their Irány A Moziba Be! video.

Under the heading Culture Alex tells us about the talents of piano player Balázs Havasi: "If the Romanians were brave enough to send a contra-tenor techno star, then we could show some real value, without fuss". Let's witness it in The Storm.

 ...people believe if they elect a bad act, it would give the country a bad name. I wouldn't think it's true, not at all… But many believe it is


The last time Hungary placed inside the Top 10 was at the 2007 Eurovision Song Contest with Unsubstantial Blues. Alex would reconsider sending its performer Magdi Ruzsa again, "She's simply unable to sing bad. It's hard for a female singer to get so close to my soul, but her voice, aura and meaning are so great that it's rare on this planet". Let's listen to her again on Egyszer.

Another of Alex's nominees is Anna and the Barbies: "Anna Pásztor would eat the Danish stage for breakfast!". This is one of their hits, Márti Dala.

And last, but not least, for those wondering about the T-shirt that Alex was wearing in the Final of the Eurovision Song Contest it was of the band Blind Myself. "They're my favourite metalheads!". This is a video for their song Jó Szándék Kövei.