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András Kállay-Saunders: "I hope I can make my fans proud"

23 April 2014 at 14:56 CEST

In less than a month, you will be standing on the Eurovision stage in Copenhagen. Can you imagine what it will feel like?

I have had several dreams where I was standing on the Eurovision stage singing my heart out. If it is anywhere near as to how I pictured it, then it will be an unforgettable experience. I am so excited I can hardly wait.

What do you do to be in the best possible shape for the big event?

The most important thing is believing in myself and my song. It truly feels amazing to see how many people across the world are supporting me and my dreams. I am also preparing physically, by adding more cardio to my workout routine. The stage will be much bigger than here in Hungary, so I have to make sure I don’t run out of breath while singing, since I will be moving around a lot more.


How does a day in your life look like, now that you are preparing for the contest?

My days are full of interviews, rehearsals and I have many shows, but I make sure I have time to rest as well. I am also in the studio a lot, working on my album.

Which part of your stay in Copenhagen are you looking forward to the most?

Of course performing is what I am looking forward to the most. I am very curious to see what it will be like being on the red carpet, I have never been on one before! I am looking forward to meeting the other contestants as well, they all seem like great people.

Last week you have met Hersi Matmuja from Albania and Dilara Kazimova from Azerbaijan, during their visit to Budapest. How did it feel to meet some of the artists you are going to share a stage with?

I was really looking forward to meeting them and I was very curious about their careers and what they did before Eurovision. They were the first Eurovision contestants I have met this year and were very nice and talented people. It is very nice to see how the Eurovision Song Contest brings together all the nations of Europe. I actually planned a little surprise for Dilara, which you can watch on Youtube.

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Do you have any favourite songs?

There are many good songs in the competition. All of the songs are very different and great in their own way. I will be able to tell you my favorite after I see the live performances.

You are ranking pretty high on most ESC charts, how does that make you feel?

I can’t even explain how it feels to see all the love I am getting from my fans. I never forget that without them I would not be here, doing what I love. I hope I can make them proud of me.

Do you get a lot of messages from all over the world?

Yes I have been getting a lot of messages from across the world. I still can’t believe that people are listening to my music outside of my Hungary. My dream is for the world to get to know my music, I have so many stories to tell, and many hearts to touch, I hope I am on the right path.

Would you like to say anything to the devout Kállay-Saunders fans?

I would just like to say thank you to each and every one of you. I remember when I was just a kid with a dream. Thanks to you guys, I can now live that dream. I am so happy that you like my song and I hope I can continue bringing good music to your ears. I LOVE YOU ALL!

Anything you would like to add?

Good luck to all the other contestants, I can’t wait to meet you all . =) LOVE!

We'd like to thank András Kállay-Saunders for taking his time for this interview, and we wish him the best of luck in Copenhagen! Be sure to support him by visiting his participant profile and checking out his Eurovision entry!