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All eyes on Belgian promo-event

28 April 2008 at 00:26 CEST

Despite disappointment in Belgium after last year's low results at the contest, there is a great interest for the south- and eastern European Eurovision Song Contest participants. As many as six of this year's Eurovision Song Contest participants attended the promotion activities organized by the fan club Euro-Music and their website, The stars attending: 

  • Jelena Tomasevic (Serbia 2008)
  • Dima Bilan (Russia 2008)
  • Ani Lorak (Ukraine 2008)
  • Rebeka Dremelj (Slovenia 2008)
  • Nico & Vlad (Romania 2008)
  • Laka (Bosnia & Herzegovina 2008)

Earlier yesterday, the artists gave interviews and posed for the cameras of Belgian media, who were eager to find out who their competitors are. Belgium is being represented by Ishtar, who are tipped as one of this year's outsiders. The Eurovision Song Contest stars were also invited at the town hall of Antwerp for an official reception. After a meet and greet with fans, the artists gathered for a private dinner.

Today, the artists travelled to the Belgian capital Brussels for a public performance at the Sint-Katelijneplein, and's Jan Demulder was there to interview the singers.



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