Albanian jury picks Olta Boka for Belgrade
09 January 2008 at 18:06 CETTrue emotions
The decision was taken by a professional jury. The performance at the 2008 Eurovision Song Contest will be the first international TV appearance for the still very young singer, who showed true emotions when she was invited on scene again for the reprise of her winning song
Long history
Unlike in most other countries, the national final itself has a longer history than Albania's participation in the Eurovision Song Contest: The Festivali i Këngës has been held every year since 1962, when it was founded in order to showcase the small nation's pop music scene. However, it was only in 2004 when the festival winner went on to represent Albania in the Eurovision Song Contest for the first time.
Two semi-finals
This year, the festival took place on three consecutive evenings, with two semi-finals on the 14th and 15th of December, and the final on the 16th of December, which, apart from several well-known Albanian singers, also featured the Swedish band Rednex and the Italian singers Neri Per Caso in its interval act. 17 acts out of the two semi-finals qualified for the final, and a jury voted on their songs.
This is the final ranking of the songs:
1. Olta Boka - Zemrën E Lamë Peng – 67 points
2. Flaka Krelani & Doruntina Disha - Jeta Kërkon Dashuri – 57 points
3. Juliana Pasha - Një Qiell Të Ri – 54 points
4. Jonida Maliqi - S'ka Fajtor Në Dashuri – 36 points
5. Mira Konçi & Redon Makashi - Nën Një Qiell – 35 points
6. Manjola Nallbani - Kjo Botë Merr Frymë Nga Dashuria – 27 points
7. Sarmanta Karavello - Pse U Harrua Dashuria – 23 points
8. Greta Koçi - Natën Të Kërkove – 22 points
9. Mariza Ikonomi - Mall I Tretur – 20 points
10. Eneda Tarifa - E Para Letër – 11 points
11. Kthjellu - Dhoma – 9 points
12. Rosela Gjylbegu - Po Lind Një Yll – 8 points
12. Agim Poshka - Kujt I Them Të Dua – 8 points
14. Teuta Kurti - Qyteti I Dashurisë – 5 points
15. Produkt 28 - 30 Sekonda – 3 points
16. Kozma Dushi - Tatuazh Në Kujtesë – 1 point
17. Devis Xherahu - Endacaku – 0 points
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