A Greek cocktail of musical styles
09 May 2013 at 12:47 CESTThe Greek artists kicked off the fourth day of rehearsals in the Malmö Arena, with their rousing song Alcohol Is Free. Two different acts have come together, the contemporary group Koza Mostra, and the famous rebetiko singer Agathon Iakovidis.
Even though, like all other acts in the contest, they will be performing to backing tracks, the musicians still like to tune up their guitars and play them live on stage, despite the fact that they are the only people who can actually hear them, and just as important, to feel their instruments.
An extra little effect added, is that the guitars and trumpet light up at key points and beats in the song, and by playing their instruments as live, it assists with their timing.
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The group weren't wearing their stage outfits today, and were just in black T-shirts and jeans, but keeping the colour scheme the same as the kilts they will be wearing from their second rehearsal.
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They made use of the catwalk stage, as four of the group members run out onto that part of the stage during the song, before returning to the main stage at the end of the song, only the drummer and Agathon stay on the main stage throughout the song.
After their rehearsal this morning the artists went to the Euroclub to meet and greet the press and fans,
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