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A colourful line for Latvia’s Triana Park

01 May 2017 at 18:43 CEST
Latvia Photo: Thomas Hanses
Agnese Rakovska and her band are feeling great: “We had a good sleep and now we’re ready for our first rehearsal.” The Latvian band will perform the song 'Line' and are looking forward to performing it on stage.

Kristaps Ērglis, who plays the bass guitar, admits that he is a little bit worried: “It’s the first time that we’re going to see how it all comes together with the singing, the decorations and the visuals." Agnese feels that all the pieces of the puzzle are fitting together and states will full confidence; “It’s the moment of truth.”

Bringing colour to the stage

The band is enthusiastic about their performance and the public can expect a lot of energy, a lot of colour and a party on stage, says singer Agnese Rakovska and guitarist Artūrs Strautiņš. 

Agnese is becoming known for her colourful hair and appeared with various different looks during the pre-party season. She's keeping tight-lipped about what colour her hair will be for the live Semi-Final. "My hair stylist and creative team are working on this. I don't know what my hair style will be for the next rehearsal," she says laughing. 

The band posed for a quick photograph ahead of their rehearsal at Kyiv's International Exhibition Centre.

Triana Park loved how their first rehearsal went and looked relaxed. We caught up with them afterwards and they revealed that they will make some changes for the second rehearsal, but are happy overall.

Crossing the line

With the song Line Agnese wants to know from the audience where they would draw the line in life. It is a song about borders and which ones we are crossing. “People are drawing a line each time they make a decision, each time we interact with people. I know my lines, but I want to know where other people draw the line. That is what the song is about,” the singer explained.

The band from Latvia is well known for their love of food, but they only have tried Ukrainian coffee since they got to Kyiv. They hope that they get to try real Ukrainian food in the next few days.

Triana Park from Latvia will be on stage for their second rehearsal on 5th May. Agnese and her band will perform Line in the first Semi-Final on 9th May.