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1956 winner Lys Assia: "It will go on!"

22 May 2008 at 00:32 CEST

Lys Assia won the first ever Eurovision Song Contest back in 1956 for Switzerland. She sang the song Refrain. During the first running of the competition, no results were announced but the winner.

"Of course I am very happy be here, to celebrate Marija's victory," Mrs. Assia said, referring to the winner of last year's Eurovision Song Contest who was sitting next to her. Despite some critical sounds from fans and media about the way the competition changed over the past years, Lys Assia is optimistic about the future of the Eurovision Song Contest: "It is very interesting to follow the contest's history. It was all so different when I took part. But this is the trend of life! Young people come in (...) many new countries take part. Who would know it would go this way, back then. As long as we stick to the idea of having open frontiers, and that we have to get to know eachother, it will go on. I am sure."

"We just tried to make something out of it, back in 1956. It was short after the war, and it was about opening doors. These days, a young generation wants different things. They want groups, something different, something special," Mrs. Assia said. "I was sure Marija would win last year, and I am almost sure who will win this year," she hinted. "I have some instinct, after so many years (...) If God wants, I will be 85 next year." 

Lys Assia has always been loyal towards the organizers of the Eurovision Song Contest. In 2003, she addressed millions of viewers from Cyprus and wishes the contestants good luck. In 2005, she performed during the Congratulations show, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Eurovision Song Contest.

To the question if she is still singing, the shining lady replied: "More than ever!"