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Silvester Belt

Music has been an integral part of Silvester’s life since he was a child.

His songs are inspired by personal life experiences, particularly drawing upon his memories of exploring his sexuality in a homophobic environment growing up, and how the suppression of those emotions affected him deeply.

Luktelk (translation: ‘wait’/’hold on’) is about being stuck in limbo between two stages of barely existing and feeling alive, when you have to hold on and dance through whatever life throws at you.

Silvester also competed in Vaikų Eurovizijos Nacionalinė Atranka - Lithuania’s pre-selection competition for Junior Eurovision in 2010.

Music video

Live performance

Lyrics of Luktelk

Diena viena ir vėl kita,
Tarytum čia data sustojo.

Einu tai ten, einu tai šen,
Ir kai sutems ir vėl iš naujo.

Rytoj rytoj rytoj
Pažadu mylėt tave rytoj
Laboj laboj laboj

Surasi tu mane nakty laboj.

Ar aš vis dar gyvas?
Ar tebepažįsti mane.
Saulė nepakyla.
Pasakyk ar liksi šalia.
Luktelk luktelk, dar vieną minutę luktelk.
Luktelk luktelk, dar vieną minutę luktelk.

Naktis viena, naktis kita
Kaip visada aš vėl iš naujo.

Stovime tyloje, grojančio radijo,
Nebenoriu šokt, nebenoriu šokt.
Stovime tyloje, grojančio radijo,
Nebenoriu šokt, bet man reikia šokt
One day has passed and then another
As if, the time has stopped.
I’m going somewhere, then some place else,

And after it gets dark, it will all repeat again.

Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow
I promise to love you tomorrow
In the night, in the night, in the night
You will find me in the night.

Am I still alive?
Do you still recognise me?
The sun isn't coming up.
Tell me, will you stay by my side?
Wait up, wait up
Just another minute
Wait up, wait up
Just another minute

One night has passed, and then another
But as always, I start over again.

We’re standing in silence while the radio’s playing
I don't want to dance anymore.
We’re standing in silence while the radio’s playing
I don't want to dance, but I have to dance.