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Monika Liu

Monica Liu is one of Lithuania’s most popular and respected artists.

After graduating from the University of Klaipėda, where she studied jazz, globe-trotting Monica spent time studying in Massachusetts, living in London, before then settling in Vilnius.

Since her debut in 2015, Liu has released three albums and plenty more singles. Her repertoire is so impressive that she’s been called upon to sit on the panel of two of Lithuania’s biggest talent shows: The Voice and The Masked Singer.

According to the artist, she has been considering making her way to the Eurovision stage for many years, and the time proved right for her now, upon the composition of Sentimentai, which was written and recorded in London.

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Lyrics of Sentimentai

Tuk tuk
Naktį į širdį pasibeldžia
Ilgesio pilna
Atminimų lydima

Tu, tai tu, tai tu
Seniai matytas veide
Ko juokies lyg klounas
Iš mano spindinčių akių?

Sukasi ratu galvoje momentai
Bėga bėga ten, kur ir Tu
Milijonas rožių lyg sentimentai
Skęsta jūroje debesų


Ošia jūra nerami
Man ašaros akyse
Viskas - jis nebesugrįš niekada
Jis atplaukė juoda puta

Pamenu, kaip stoviu Nidos kopų vidury
Ir žuvėdrai moju
Toli, toli…

Sukasi ratu galvoje momentai
Bėga bėga ten, kur ir Tu
Milijonas rožių lyg sentimentai
Skęsta jūroje debesų

Sukasi ratu galvoje momentai
Bėga bėga ten, kur ir Tu
Milijonas rožių lyg sentimentai
Skęsta jūroje debesų
Knock knock
At night, it‘s knocking in my heart
Full of longing
A spirit,
Accompanied by memories.

You, it‘s you, it‘s you
A face seen long ago
Why are you laughing like a clown
At my glassy eyes?
Moments spinning around in my head
They‘re running back to you,
A million roses like sentiments
Drowning in a sea of clouds
The restless sea is murmuring
There are tears in my eyes
That‘s it - he‘s never coming back

He swam through black foam
I remember standing in the middle of dunes of Nida
And waving to a seagull
So far, far away…
Moments spinning around in my head
They‘re running back to you,

A million roses like sentiments
Drowning in the sea of clouds
Moments are spinning around in my head
They‘re running back to you,

A million roses like sentiments
Are drowning in a sea of clouds