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Harel Skaat

Harel Skaat was just 5 years old when his kindergarten teacher noticed that little Harel had a unique vocal ability. At the age of 6, he participated in his first contest and won the first place. Winning the competition opened the doors to the entertainment world for the young Harel, and he participated in popular television shows and accompanied well-known singers on stage and in the studio.

Fast forward to 2004: Harel was in his second year of his studies when he was accepted into the second season of A Star Is Born (the Israel equivalent of American Idol) and was immediately a clear favorite for winning, receiving the highest number of votes during all stages of the show with his performances and inspiring vocal abilities. At the season finale, Harel came second, a result which sparked a heated debate in Israel. In 2006, Harel released his first self-titled album which achieved gold album status after 3 weeks and later reached platinum.The debut album, which included ten songs, yielded five chart-leading hits, including And You, which was at the top of the charts for 7 weeks on all national radio stations. Concurrently, Harel embarked on an extensive, high-profile tour, which included more than 200 shows in concert halls all over Israel. The shows were a huge success, selling out at every venue, an achievement previously reserved for veteran artists only.

Harel Skaat launched his second album Figures in 2009 which achieved gold status quickly and was accompanied by a large-scale online interactive campaign. Furthermore, in the large-scale Song Of The Decade awards on Israeli TV, Harel garnered an impressive second place.

Music video

Lyrics of Milim

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住驻专讬诐 诪住讜讚专讬诐 讜讘讬谉 讛讞讚专讬诐
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讝专 砖诇 诪谞注讜诇讬诐
讗诇讜讛讬诐, 讛砖讗专转 诇讬 专拽 诪讬诇讬诐

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讗转 讛诪讬诇讬诐 砖讛砖讗专转 诇讬
讗转 注讻砖讬讜 讗讜诪专转 诇讜
once again the sadness is here
again fear has risen
and the end is at my window
cracked glass, silence again and
exhausted and cast aside
in my mind
the light fell asleep, tears of blood
burning my throat
scratched handle ,fallen ceiling
when singing to you the last song

you left me only words
Refuge in the shadows
arranged books
and in between the rooms
you left me only words
and a bouquet of locks
you left me only words

the walls are silent now
and what did you take
when you ran away
yes, what did you take
you might have won this war
what is left when you are gone?

you left me only words
Refuge between the shadows
arranged books
and in between the rooms
you left me only words
locks bouquet
you left me only words

to the ice is also cold
When I remember
how today you are in front of him
Lightning in his shadow
Breaking for him
the words you left me
You are telling him