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Eva Boto

Eva Boto is just 16 years old, but managed to ward off competition from 31 other acts to secure her place as Slovenia's entrant in Baku with the powerful Verjamem.

Eva Boto was born on December 1st, 1995. She lives in the small town of Šentjanž pri Dravogradu which lies in the North Eastern part of Slovenia, 120 kilometres from the capital Ljubljana. She is now a second-year student attending the Ravne na Koroškem High School, but she is already thinking about continuing her studies in Graz, Austria, or London where she would like to study soloist singing.

She has been singing since a very early age and practices daily in her specially designed music room at her home. At 10 years of age, Eva entered an international singing competition in Austria and won. Later, she performed several times at the FENS Youth Musical Festival, where she was twice the winner. Eva Boto was only 15, when she applied to audition for the Mission Eurovision contest. The national broadcaster RTVSLO produced this series of programmes, which started on October 2nd, 2011 and ended this February, with only one goal in mind,  to choose the singer who would represent Slovenia at the Eurovision Song Contest.

Convincing renditions of songs from Mariah Carey, Shaina Twain, Irene Cara, Leona Lewis and Darja Švajger made a huge impression on the members of the jury and audiences alike. In the end, Eva Boto won a landslide number of votes with the song Verjamem (I Believe), one of the three she sang on the final night of Mission EMA 2012.

Eva's favourite singer is Beyonce, but she likes 1980s and 1990s music as well. In her spare time, Eva plays guitar, plays with her dog and cat and, as every teenager loves to hang out with her friends. She's no stranger to computers and make-up, either. Eva enjoys cooking, especially baking. She is very emotional and sometimes shy. Her biggest bad habit is laziness. Eva's best friends and supporters in life and in her music career are her mother, father and elder sister Sanja. Eva describes her participation in Baku as her greatest life experience and challenge so far.

Music video

Live performance

Lyrics of Verjamem

Hrepenim iz globin čez nebo
Rišem sonce
Preko sanj le zanj
Mečem luč v njegove sence,
Ki slovo jemljejo brez spomina,
Z luknjami med dlanmi,
Da odteče pesek časa.

Verjamem, da znova ujela se bova
In včeraj za zmeraj se vrne
Z reko luči.
Še pesem našla si pot bo do rim,
če grem za njim.

Čutim, da grem do dna,
Nemi glas poje v molu,
Vendar pa zavel mi ne bo
Veter belih zastav.

Verjamem, da znova ujela se bova
In včeraj za zmeraj se vrne
Z reko luči.

Nov dan lačen je sonca in ne zlagan.

Ker jaz se ne predam pred koncem,
Jaz preživim le na svoj način –
Da hrepenim!
I yearn, from depths across the sky
I'm painting sun
In my dreams just for him
I cast light onto his shadows
Which say goodbye without memory
Through gaps between my fingers
The sand of time will ebb away

I believe that we'll again find a common beat
And that yesterday will return forever
With a river of light
Even the song will find its way to rhymes
If I follow him

I feel that I'm going down to the bottom
A silent voice sings in a minor key
But there won't be a wind
To rustle white flags

I believe that we'll again find a common beat
And that yesterday will return forever
With a river of light

A new day is hungry for the sun and is sincere.

I never surrender until the very end
I survive in my own way
With yearning
Je désire ardemment du plus profond,
À travers le ciel, je dessine le soleil,
À travers mes rêves pour lui,
Des lueurs d'espérance et de son ombre
qui font des adieux sans souvenirs,
Rien que des riens pleins la main,
Pour laisser couler le sable du temps.

Je crois que ça accroche un jour entre nous
Et que le passé revienne pour toujours,
Dans ses flots de lumière.
La chanson trouvera bien la voie des rimes
Si je vais après lui.

Je sens que je coule à pic,
Une voix muette chante en bémol,
Mais je ne serai pas balayée
Par le vent des drapeaux blancs.

Je crois que ça accroche un jour entre nous
Et que le passé revienne pour toujours,
Dans ses flots de lumière.

Chaque jour nouveau est là, avide de soleil, un vrai de vrai.

Car je ne passe pas la main avant la fin,
Je veux survivre à ma manière –
En désirant ardemment!